April 11th (Tuesday)
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
The Art Center at 1803 N. 7th Street Grand Junction
Do you feel like you are a valued member of society?
Has this opinion changed as you have aged?
How should people of a certain age be treated?
“Aging & Ageism” Community Connection Conversation is an opportunity to explore our relationship to our aging and the relationship of our communities to differently aged populations.
The goal this event is to actively listen to others so that we can create community more inclusive in understanding, acceptance, and attitudes. Conversation will be conducted with trained facilitators in small groups so everyone has a chance to be heard. Community Connection Conversations offers a simple, sociable and structured way to practice talking to each other.
Afterwards, our right brain will be engaged in a free writing activity in response to our experience.
On April 13th we will have a free art activity from 5:30-7:00pm facilitated by Joni Becker, ArtLight Therapy Studios (310 N. 7th Street/2nd floor).
No preparation is required. Refreshments will be available.